Sunday, January 3, 2010

i heart google ads

I searched Google News in my never ending quest for new things in the Merrimack River. I got a lot of stories about the recent storm. I was much more interested in the only ad that showed up:

Buy merrimack river at Amazon!
Qualified orders over $25 ship free

Wow! I can buy the Merrimack River? Do people who buy Merrimack River also buy Amazon River? Do I get a better deal if I buy the Concord River along with the Merrimack? What about the seemingly harmless yet annoying Shawsheen River? How about the Powow River? Is there a package deal for the Merrimack and all its tributaries? Enquiring gnomes want to mine.


Later this same evening:

I couldn't resist further exploration. A search on Shawsheen River got a few relevant hits but did not yield any ads. Searching on Shawsheen got me one ad:

Galleries, dealers, artworks
and auction results on artnet

However, when I went to and searched on Shawsheen, I got zero results.

Oddly, Concord River got me no ads either. You'd think amazon would be trying to sell me the Concord River too. After all it is part of the title of a work by that (sarcasm alert, sarcasm alert) little known hermit who hung out at Walden Pond and wrote about his trip on the Merrimack River.

Since I'm not in the mood to buy any rivers at all, I had best give this experiment a rest for tonight.

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